Week 6
Week 6, day 1, Rubber Boot Journalist over 70 percent of California almonds are sold overseas. Do you know almonds used to be harvested before they had machines?
Week 6, day 1, Rubber Boot Journalist the answer to yesterday’s question is they used poles and knocked them to the ground. California is the world’s largest producer of almonds. Do you know why?
Week 6, day 2, Rubber Boot Journalist, answer to yesterday’s question is California has an ideal mild climate, rich soil and lots of sunshine all ideal for growing almonds. Do you know what doubles are in almonds?
Week 6, day 3, Rubber Boot Journalist answer to yesterday’s question doubles are two kernels developing in one shell. Did you know how many almond growers there are in California?
Week 6, day 5, Rubber Boot Journalist there are more than 6000 almond growers in California. Do you know how many bee hives are needed each year to pollinate all the almonds in California? Tune in Monday to find out.