Eating Challenges
Eating Challenges
I wish I knew why some eating challenges were harder for me than others. I’m still struggling with eat when I’m hungry and savor my food. I have a feeling these will be a life long issues for me. Currently, I have to make a conscious effort to think before I eat and take the time to enjoy each bite.
Before we moved everything was clicking away and flowing smoothly, but the move and still being in temporary housing has disrupted my eating habits. And getting them back in place is taking longer than I anticipated.
I have made progress since I blogged last week. More often I am eating when I’m hungry. I do well until late afternoon and evening. I find myself eating almost immediately after dinner even though I’m not hungry.
To combat this, I went back and reread The Checklist Diet but Rebecca J. Clark, and I have started asking myself if I’m hungry, thirsty, bored, or tired. The majority of the time I’m not hungry, so I start with either a glass of water or a cup of tea. If I still want to eat, I start checking my emotions and I find that I’m either bored or tired.
Many times it’s fatigue, but when I’m stressed I don’t sleep well, so it becomes a vicious cycle.
I also find when I don’t sleep well, I’m not getting enough exercise, so I’ve been working on getting back into a regular exercise routine. With the move, I lost my kickboxing aerobic class and I miss it a lot. In fact, there won’t be another class just like it, so I have to accept that and look for a class that is similar.

The good news is, I have plenty of options in my new town that I didn’t have in my old one. I have tried a few yoga classes, and I have been doing yoga more regularly. There is an indoor swimming facility, and I’ve been swimming once so far. I’ve also gotten back into my weight lifting routine. Weather permitting, I’ve been mountain biking, but that’s not as regular as I’d like. And I bought Nordic skis, so hope to be out using them a few times before the season is over.
All in all, my exercise is coming back, so where I’m really putting my energy is eating when I’m hungry and savoring my food. At some point, I will turn my attention to eating slower as that is and always will be a challenge for me, but I’m taking it one step at a time.
This week my goals are to eat when I’m hungry and savor my food.
What are your struggles? Are you setting any goals?