Mirror, Mirror

Why is it when I look in the mirror all I see is a new wrinkle, another gray hair, or God forbid a long, curling hair coming out of my chin!
Right now I’m satisfied with where I’m at on the scale, but I don’t always like what I see in the mirror. Too much cellulite, saggy underarms, you name it, I fixate on it. Maybe I’m too focused on my reflection. Maybe what I should be asking myself is what are my strengths? What do I do best? What makes me stand out from the crowd?
I’ve started a top-ten list of things I like about myself that aren’t weight or image related. I found it incredibly difficult to make this list without feeling vain, but I think it’s important. I pushed aside my discomfort.
My top-ten list:
- I’m dedicated
Pooped out mountain biking Spense Mountain Oregon - I never give up
- I’m committed to my family
- I’m someone that can be counted on
- I’m funny
- I’m different, unique
- I march to my own drummer
- I have an adventuresome spirit
- I’m thoughtful
- I love animals
I will continue to add to this list as I think of more things.
Embrace Uniqueness

I am determined to shut down the negative voices in my head. The next time I start to tear myself down, I will build myself back up by going to my list and reminding myself that I’m a good person. I don’t know if it will work, but I’m giving it a shot.
In earlier blogs, I’ve talked about the number on the scale, and how uncomfortable I am admitting I weigh 150 pounds. Why should I cringe at that? If that’s the best weight for me, why do I suddenly feel fat when I hear someone else say they weigh 130 pounds and are three inches taller than I am?

I have decided I am going to stop comparing myself to others. The fact is, no matter how much weight I lose or make-up I wear, there will always be somebody younger, prettier, thinner and more successful than I am. I can’t change that. It’s inevitable, so I will refuse to focus on it.
Instead, I will focus on the person I am. I’m sure there are many people who can do what I do, but nobody can do it exactly like I do. I am unique, a special human being who has something that no one else on this planet can offer—my own uniqueness.
As Oscar Wilde said,“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

I say it’s time we embrace ourselves. What is unique about you?