Snack Time—Choose Wisely
It’s snack time and it’s important to choose wisely. I want to grab something fast and easy. Generally, I eat in front of the computer while working, and whatever I’m eating disappears in an instant. I’m not even certain what I’ve eaten!
In my ongoing quest for healthy eating, I have stopped eating snacks in front of the computer to avoid mindless eating. I also try to look for lean protein snacks.

Lean Protein Snacks
Rebecca Clark, author of the Checklist Diet and says, “Having a good protein snack will help stabilize your moods, your blood sugar and your energy levels.”
I’ve started choosing lean protein snacks when I’m working because it takes a lot of mental energy to write. I’ve found mid-morning and mid-afternoon my energy starts to lag. A 15 minute break to eat my snack is just the boost I need to dig back in clear-headed and raring to go.
Lean protein also keeps you full longer without excess calories. Your body needs proteins to build muscle and to repair tissue damage from exercising.

Rebecca suggested these lean protein snacks:
- Cottage cheese mixed with a sliced apple and chopped walnut—I also like it with frozen berries or any kind of in-season fruit
- Yogurt mixed with a tablespoon of Grapenuts or low-fat granola—again, I like frozen berries or most any fruit
- Apples with nut butter—a personal favorite!
- Deli chicken smeared with hummus and finely chopped veggies, roll up and eat
- Celery and peanut butter—the only way I like to eat celery raw
My lean protein snack list includes:
- Hummus with a mix of vegetables—carrots, sugar snap peas, jicama, sweet baby peppers
hummus and veggies - Crab meat or shrimp
- Tomato slices with fresh mozzarella cheese and balsamic vinegar
- Rice cake peanut butter, or melted cheese, or with ricotta cheese and sliced fruit on top—strawberries, bananas, peaches or nectarines
- Hard boiled egg, scrambled or fried—eggs are a great food and a great snack
- Whole wheat English muffin with peanut butter
- Homemade fruit smoothie with milk, yogurt or milk alternatives
What’s your favorite lean protein snack?