Week 13
Week 13, day 1, Rubber Boot Journalist is wrapping up the nut acreage article this week and starting on pecans which are a minor nut crop in California. Also starting a logging article and will be traveling to Mt. Shasta for photos. And da-ta-da beginning the final read of Falling!
Week 13, day 2, Rubber Boot Journalist, still working on logging and nuts. Kind of an interesting combination when I put it together. Made almost a 1/3 of the read on Falling yesterday!
Week 13, day 3, Rubber Boot Journalist, just finished the nut article and moving on to a pecan article. Finished the read on Falling then had a major Word glitch. It didn’t save a past edit so now I have to go in and put all those edits back in Grrrr. Not a great start to the day.
Week 13, day 4, Rubber Boot Journalist, still working on timber and pecans. Finally got all the edits I lost on Falling back in and trying to get back to that final read. Really hate computers some days!
Week 13, day 5, Rubber Boot Journalist trying to finish a pecan article and setting up a photo shoot in the Klamath Basin. I’ve included photos of a tree being cut down. And drum roll–printed off the final read again for Falling! And double and triple saved it.